I seem to be a lurker and not a poster. I guess the reason is that I'm not sure how to do it. Guess I need to get my feet wet, and with your help maybe I can do this. Dr. Phil says you have to get out of your comfort zone. So this is me getting out of my comfort zone. I love reading about other peoples life's and what they are into. How they decorate their homes. It inspires me to do more around my own home, I keep saying when I retire and stay at home I will do this and that, but I not sure when that will happen. We have been in our currant home for over five years now and it's time. Your invited to come along for the ride and hopefully you will enjoy it. I am open to suggestions on how to do this. If you know of a blog that helps you figure out how to do this let me know--until them I'll just wing it.